Rooting Cherry Mobile Flare via Root by Bin4ry

This is the same thing as how we rooted the Cherry Mobile Titan.

  1. First thing first, be sure to turn USB debugging “ON/checked”. This can be done by going to Settings -> Development.
  2. Download this file, Root by Bin4ry Tool. (Root many Android) | Extract it then.
  3. Install the drivers on your PC. You can do that by installing Moborobo;download it {LINK} and install. Run the app and connect your Flare device, follow the prompt so it installs the drivers. Once properly connected with Moborobo app, you can now close that program.
  4. Proceed on the extracted file of step 2. Run the RunMe.bat file.
  5. A cmd window will appear. When prompted for an option, just input “1″ for Normal mode.
  6. Check your device and once asked for a restore, just proceed on it. Restore and ignore the encryption password it mentions.Your device will reboot, and viola!
  7. Rooted Cherry Mobile Flare, just check first for the SuperSU icon.


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